We have multiple users who have rights to create records and edit fields including the primary add/sals. It would be great to be able to lock or freeze the add/sals so that another user knows it should not be changed without good reason. For example, our standard format for primary addressee is, "Mr. and Mrs. George Jones" and sal is, "Mr. and Mrs. Jones". However, some patrons prefer to use no titles, i.e, addressee: "George and Sylvia Jones" and sal: "George and Sylvia". The problem exists when a staff member enters the names with no titles and invariably someone else comes along and corrects it to the standard format using titles, making the assumption that it was entered incorrectly. This leads to phone calls from upset patrons when they receive mail using titles. You can notepad this to death, but if someone is doing this through a query, there is nothing to warn you that it shouldn't be changed. A lock to grey out the add/sals would be helpful. For someone to make a change they would have to unclick the lock.