Please make dashboards look like they did before 7.94 upgrade

Since upgrading to 7.94 my dashboards with graphs are a mess - I can't compare as many items as I could before, for example in Appeal summary, I can only come 4 or 5 appeals otherwise the text all starts overlapping each other. Also the vertical axis is all bunched up on some and I can't read the graphs. Also if you have the dashboard on full width, if you click on the drop down for Panel Options, the menu does not fit on the screen, it goes off the screen to the right, so you can't read the options to click on. Please can someone have a serious look at the design of this area!

  • Rachel Kulsdom
  • Feb 17 2015
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:15

      Luckily I haven't updated it.