I'm sure we used to be able to do this, but now it's gone and needs to be done through the Blackbaud Management Console, which is installed on the dbase server and I don't have access to. Could we have the option back where the RE Supervisor can do it?
I agree with this -- also, as a first step, it would be great if the connection viewer would actually show me who is signed in!
This is very important. Without it if I want to give another user the ability to do this I need to give them SYSADMIN access to the RE and FE databases. I do not want to do that, We need a disconnect plug in or the database connection viewer has to have security to allow disconnects as well.
Quite often I update records after hours or on weekends and if all users aren't logged out then I have no way of logging them out unless I contact our IT department. It would be very useful to be able to do this without having to go through the BB console which I do not have permission to do.
I hope if this is ever implemented, it's also available to hosted users!