Need option to disable, or notify of, auto-generated new records from online RSVPs, donations, etc.

I keep stumbling across records that I need to correct, or merge with a current constituent, that were automatically generated by RE when people RSVP'd online to event invitations, or donated online, when the information the people populated the fields with didn't match exactly to what was already in RE.

I'd rather get an email, or something, notifying me of new contituents, with their info from the populated fields, and create the record myself. That way I ensure all the required fields in their record are filled in, and correctly.

Or, if I can't enter all the new records myself, at the very least I'd like a notification with a list of names of the new records, so I could look them up to ensure everything was done correctly and completely. Constituent codes, addressees and salutations need to be added, etc. Relationships looked into.

Notifying me does two other things: alerts me to a new constituent or a new donor, who I treat in a slightly different way than established donors; it also allows me to recognize possible duplications.

So many things should ideally be thought of with new records. Constituents have no way of knowing that they should, nor how to, exactly match information to RE: their names, or addresses, new phone or email, or any other info RE is using to determine a match. One time they may abbreviate something, the next time they may spell it out. One time they may use the formal version of their name, the next time the casual version. I'm also finding differences like this with addresses.

This is causing inaccuracies, incomplete information, and missed opportunities in my database that is troublesome to deal with.

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  • Jan 20 2022
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