Unable to link an organization record as the tribute record
Currently listed as suggestion linked to Knowledgebase Solution BB79718. Based on feedback from a client, have moved this over to the new User Voice process, to allow others to vote / lend input via the new multi-voting process.
I want to ensure this is the same issue as I have. We create tributes on organization records all the time (these are for opening night gifts and we make the performance a tribute that is linked to the theatre company) and I was told at this time in the BBNC application we have to link it to an individual and then in the batch switch it back. This means I hand write everyone who made an organizational tribute gift, then set all the tributes to a dummy individual and then re-enter it in the batch. This is an awful work-around. I should be able to select the organization tribute within the plug-in.
Knowledgebase says I can link to organization in RE7 (which I'm on) but am finding that is not true. I agree with the comment below - suggested work around is useless. I've spent 30-45 minutes trying to get this to work and its still a bust. Really upset because this is a recurring gift and I'd like to get it right the first time.
I want to ensure this is the same issue as I have. We create tributes on organization records all the time (these are for opening night gifts and we make the performance a tribute that is linked to the theatre company) and I was told at this time in the BBNC application we have to link it to an individual and then in the batch switch it back. This means I hand write everyone who made an organizational tribute gift, then set all the tributes to a dummy individual and then re-enter it in the batch. This is an awful work-around. I should be able to select the organization tribute within the plug-in.
Knowledgebase says I can link to organization in RE7 (which I'm on) but am finding that is not true. I agree with the comment below - suggested work around is useless. I've spent 30-45 minutes trying to get this to work and its still a bust. Really upset because this is a recurring gift and I'd like to get it right the first time.