Add ability to split gift to soft credit donors

We are currently running into an issue where we have group gifts that were converted to Raiser's Edge. For instance, an Organization is getting legal credit and 3 individuals are getting soft credit. We count soft credit donors in our reporting , which has some challenges in Raiser's Edge. In this case, we cannot split gifts to different funds for the soft credit donors. Bob and Mary want to give their portion of the gift to the Annual Fund. John wants to give his portion to Men's football. If you want to report on Annual Fund donors, you don't want to include John, but there is no way to do this right now in RE for group gifts. This idea is to allow users to split gifts to different funds for the soft credit donors. Right now soft credit donor counts from group gifts may potentially be inflated if reporting by a specific fund.

  • Ilene Parlin
  • Aug 2 2021
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