Allow multiple parentheses in queries

There are many times when I need to do a query such as ((Constituent = Alumni) OR (Constituent = Parent)) AND Country = "Azerbaijan"
I want the first 2 items to be evaluated by the OR first, then the AND. There are ways around this, but it makes the query long and not as clear.

  • Guest
  • Aug 8 2014
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:09

    Why would you put parenthesis around one criteria?

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:09

    Unfortunately I didn't see this until after I posted a similar request. Somehow it didn't come up in my search!

    The example listed in this post may not be the best, since it doesn't actually need multiple parentheses. You could just say Constituency is one of Alumni or Parent AND Country equals Azerbiajan. It doesn't require any parentheses, much less two sets.

    But RE still needs the function! There is a clearer example on the other post here:

    If anyone knows how to merge two posts together to combine votes, let me know!