Improve the duplicate criteria/process in 7.92

When you import new recurring gifts using the Import Recurring Gift plug-in, Raiser's Edge incorrectly adds the gift to an existing constituent record, even if the address of the two supporters is different. In 7.91 you were able to select additional duplication criteria to ensure that it did not import into an existing record.

Also, if it finds two people of the same name, it will exclude that donor and their gift from their import, rather than giving you the option to select someone.

Even worse, is that even if you have a a constituent ID - i.e. you are importing a new recurring gift onto an existing Constituent - it will still not import the gift if another constituent on the database has the same name.

  • Guest
  • Oct 15 2012
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:09

    I am having the same issues, I am having to delete a lot of gifts & bank relationships and then reimport them with a prefix of XX on the surname. not ideal but a workable short term solution.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:09

    vastly improved, but not quite fixed!