Decommissioning the Volunteer Module

We cancelled our subscription to the Volunteer module months ago and you'd think that would be the end of it ... but no, the Volunteer tab is still there along with old unwanted data; it just means that Blackbaud will no longer support it. 

We do not want outdated data in our database so why is there no way to completely remove it? You can delete certain things using globals and imports, but not everything. This leaves over 2K records in our db with the red check mark on the volunteer tab that we just want to be gone. Current employees of our organization may know not to use the Volunteer Module or the data in it, but we won't be here forever. 

Example: KB 117970  "It is NOT possible to remove a Start Date or End Date from the Volunteer record. This is a limitation of the Volunteer Module."  

  • Lindy Kingins
  • Jan 7 2020
  • Attach files