addressfinder interactive mode should warn you about linked addresses

  • Guest
  • Dec 8 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:05

      Currently if you have children living at home and they file a change of address form with the PO and they come through AddressFinder - if you choose to update the child it updates the parents as if they all moved into that place together.

      If you had manually updated the address you would have been warned the address was linked, been able to see who was linked and what the relationship was so you could decide whether or not to update them all.

      I get that in batch mode - this option would not be possible but I am not sure just automatically updating all linked addresses is a good thing. In fact, in batch mode I might prefer that it deal with this properly - like look to see if all linked addresses came though with the same new address - if so keep them linked and update them all. But if only one of them comes through and not the other(s) - unlink them. (Divorce, moving away from home, etc.)

      But minimally in interactive mode we need this to work like it does during manual updates. Give me the choice. I think the idea above for batch processing is better because when a couple comes through with the first person you do not know if the other one should change too.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:05

      I completely agree with this. AddressFinder processing is not user friendly at all. The issue with shared addresses is a huge one. Also affected with the creation of copies of the existing address, which happens on the record being processed but not on the record sharing the address. Please see this thread for more.