If a field exists for an Action Item, please make it available to fill when importing!

If a field exists in an Action Item, can you please make it available as a field to map when importing data? I recently imported a number of Action Items, included the Assigned Solicitor for the Action Item in my excel spreadsheet, only to not be able to map this entry for Assigned Solicitor when importing. I thought - no big deal - I can do a Global Change. One would think that would be a logical next move. Nope! It is certainly not, in the World of Blackbaud. Much to my chagrin, one cannot do a Global Change to add the Assigned Solicitor, because - again- it is not offered as an option. A chat with Blackbaud revealed that action items can be added to an Assigned Solicitor's portfolio, with a Global Add. This is all nice and dandy - however, not everybody in the portfolio received the action, and some were not even in the portfolio. In short, I had to add folks to the Assigned Solicitor's portfolio, add the action item, and then go back, one-by-one, to delete the action item from each one who did not receive the action. That took way longer than it should have. I should have been done, and eating my lunch now. But no, not only has my time been taken up, now I have to make the suggestion for it to be fixed. Please fix. Thank you!

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  • Dec 6 2018
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