Pledge summary information

We do a major fundraiser event every fall and some of the attendees make pledges. Some of the attendees come year after year and up their pledge, continue their existing pledge or make a new pledge. This year we thought it would be nice for those who are attending the event that have pledges with balances to be able to produce a summary of the current pledge and payment history. We were going to give that to them the day of the event so that they can decide how they might want to proceed with their charitable giving. The fields we wanted to include are: appeal description, pledge date, installment frequency, total pledged, total pledge payments, pledge balance and last payment date. 

I thought this would be a simple process to get this information and export it and merge it to a word document. Turns out it is not that easy.  Reminders in the Mail module only gives you constituents who have a payment due. We want everyone who has a pledge with a balance due with all the information listed above. We know that there is a pledge status report but it does not give us all the fields we want. We know you can create an output query but we still cannot get all the fields.

We created a case with Blackbaud (14326177) and it seems there is no simple solution.  Blackbaud, can you please make all the fields available to us in Mail so that we can export them? Can another option be added in Mail that would allow one to pull these fields so that a summary of pledge information could be generated regardless of whether the constituent has a payment? If those fields are available in the Reminders section of the Mail module, why can't they be added to quick letters? Are we the only ones who have ever tried to obtain this type of information? 


  • Dianne Smith
  • Nov 1 2018
  • Attach files