Collection Tub/Bucket number generator

This would be very useful to have. We would be able to keep an accurate and correct log of all collection tubs that go in and out. It would also be handy if we could pull a report from this so we can do sweeps and keep on top of them. The number generator would ensure that no two collection tubs or buckets would have the same number.  It would also be useful to have with in this feature somewhere were we can enter a date that the collection tub or bucket is due in by and then this issues a prompt to the issuer as to when to contact the supporter about the bucket/tub.

At the moment you can only use attributes but you have to create your own number. This is an issue because two people could issue the same bucket/tub number out. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 30 2018
  • Attach files
  • Rachel Cavalier commented
    January 08, 2020 16:57

    Some way to keep track of collection tubs/buckets/tins would be fantastic - the suggestion we had to track them when we migrated to RE was to record it on the individual's record, but that's not ideal when we also want to track the ones not with donors and currently locked away in our office cupboard! It's a bit weird to us that RE doesn't have this, as our previous software that wasn't the most up-to-date did have this feature.