Often, I would like to create a new letter (Configuration>Letters...) that is very similar to an existing letter (MS Word Document)--just a sentence or two changed. Unfortunately, in order to do this, it appears that I have to start from scratch.... Not a big deal for text only letters, but letters with graphics, text boxes, or images require a lot of time to redesign and re-layout. Graphics will not copy and paste,as will text.
Queries RE can be "copied" by selecting "save as" and then changing the query's name. Similarly, a copy function in eTapestry, makes copying documents a one-click process. I believe the new file name is just appended with the word "copy." The new file can then be edited and renamed as desired. RE needs to have this functionality with documents/letters.
For good or bad, I quit using Config > Letters early on because it lacked user friendliness. I change any letter I need to change by opening it in Mail > Receipts/Mail>Donor Acknowledgements/Mail > etc. and using the save as option. So much easier, especially as you noted for minor changes and when you don't want to lose other features.
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