Add spouse records to the search criteria when linking constituents to gifts in Online Express

Everyone would benefit. When a spouse with a different last name makes a gift for the couple, Online Express cannot find the account to link it to. Example: If Betty Jones, wife of Bob Smith, makes the gift for them, using her name, Online Express can't find the constituent account, and neither can I. It's a huge waste of time and energy trying to track down these people.

  • Guest
  • Jul 3 2018
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  • Guest commented
    May 13, 2019 14:55

    Agreed! It is very easy for a constituent to create havoc when simply trying to 1) enter a transaction as their spouse or 2) add their title/name to those respective fields. For instance, tribute donors want to make sure both names are on the gift--and since title/name is entered before the free-field "comment" section, the damage is already done by the time they have a chance to read our instructions on the comment section.

  • Guest commented
    July 10, 2018 20:56

    Yes, please build in this feature. It would save so much time when linking constituents.