Raiser's Edge is currently incompatible with Office 2013. Apparently there is no planned release date for a verison that is compatible. A project should be in process for this valuable upgrade. There should be a plan in progress with an anticipated release date for RE compatibilty with Office 2013.
RE is rarely able to be deemed compatible with new third party software very quickly. Not sure how they compare to the rest of the industry but all I can say is never upgrade until you know it is compatible with RE. Else, live and learn.
This is quite shocking, as many organizations are rolling out office 2013 in their environments. Those users who use this feature will not be able to use it and, thus, will cause major issues.
I am surprised why this hasn’t been looked into and/or there is no timeframe to have a patch available for 2013.
Raiser's Edge is not the only application we use in a school of 1000 students and 200 staff members. When we upgrade Microsoft products, we do it on all machines. We've putting MS Office Pro 2013 on PCs for months. To say we can't even use Office 2013/32-bit, much less the 64-bit version because you haven't tested it yet with REdge is a bit ridiculous. I feel I can say that after 25 years in IT in industry, state government, and education (both university and 9-12/College Prep systems). Let's get going and stop holding us back!
32-bit version, 64-bit version, or both for Office 2013 compatibility. It makes a difference as we found out...even with Office 2010.
The add-in will not work with Outlook 2013 - article https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/91998 this is ridiculous as Office 2013 has been out for two years