When you view gifts on a constituent record, it would be really useful to have a running cumulative total of all donations ever at the bottom of the screen, as often I will be asked 'how much has XYZ raised ever?' and it would be easier to view like this.
Would the gift types included in this total be user defined?
Do you count only $ received? Pledges?
Do you have the prospect tab? If so this can be seen on that tab under total given (click on the word total given and you can define what will count). Or you can do this under the view menu item and view the gift summary. Both are fairly quick and customizeable and probably better than dropping a third way to do the same thing on the gift tab itself.
This is a decent idea when used in conjunction with the filter tab, but on its own, it already exists
It exists ONLY if you have the Prospect module.
This is an excellent idea! One should not have to purchase another module (prospect tab) to use it. We previously used Giftmaker Pro. Their gifts tabs included the total at the bottom, which you could filter by pledges, gifts or all. It's a no-brainer to be able to see a constituents total giving without performing a summary operation.
Why not use the summary tab? It gives you the first gift, last gift, summary, charts, etc.
What is the summary tab?
The summary tab is the Sigma symbol near the top of the screen next to the Relationship Tree and the Annotate icons.
So it is not really a tab. Just the button. I was confused that there was a tab that was more elaborate than the button that I was missing.
The main problem with the summary button is that my users are not as familiar with how to use it properly. If I could as the DBA set the parameters for the total that I would want to appear on the screen it would be preferable. We tend to want to know the cumulative cash total and I know which gift types to include to get it, but not all of my users could do it.
I would like to have the details and graph at the bottom of the screen like in Giftmaker Pro. It was so handy. I was happy to see that when I set the summary items, that remained the default when I moved to a different constituent. However, seeing them on the screen right away would be nice.
Running total of Gifts at bottom of screen
When you view gifts on a constituent record, it would be really useful to have a running cumulative total of all donations ever at the bottom of the screen, it would be easier to view like this as we can have an instant total for those needing the information quickly.
It would be useful to have a total at the bottom of a gift query so you don't have to export to excel, save it to a file, etc, or create an export with the query....just want a total. should be simple and easy to access.