Actions and gift area integration

Hi there,

I have phoned support and currently this functionality doesn't exist, so I have been told to put it up here for future updates and consideration...

I think it would be useful to have better links between the gifts acknowledged tab and the Actions area of the system, so that when a proposal/gift is acknowledged  an action is created as well. This shows that a thank you letter has gone out, whereas at the moment, the same information needs to be input into the gift page and as an action, replicating this work in two areas.

Currently, the system is prompting me to thank a donor, as an action, when it has already been done (as 'acknowledged' on the gift area). If there is a way to connect the two areas, so that when a gift is acknowledged, an action is created, it would save a lot of time!

  • Guest
  • Mar 8 2018
  • Attach files