Allow for Documents uploaded to NXT to be viewed in the database view

My job is to manage our database, enter gifts and run reports.It is our practice to upload documents such as pledge commitments or grant agreements to the media tab on a constituent's record.  However, if I upload it in NXT where it will take the entire document, I am unable to see it in my view.  If I upload it in the database view, it will only take one page and it is not visible in the NXT view.  This is problematic as most of my fundraiser's are in NXT and not the database view.  So that everyone can see it, I will be required to upload into NXT and to go there to view it. This is not ideal.  In addition, if the document is more that one page and I do choose to upload to the database, I have to upload multiple pages...not efficient.

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 18, 2018 20:58

    Agreed. And, FYI, if you ever need to revert to a backed up file of your database, you'd lose any NXT data that didn't cross over into the database view, things like attachments. Super disappointing.

  • Guest commented
    April 26, 2018 15:54

    I strongly agree.  Blackbaud should create a plug-in  taht we can use to fix this broken link.  Also, in RE-NXT enable us to create a list and filter on media "Attachment Type".  This is impacting my ability to prepare a complete and comprehensive prospect profile.