Make the Relationships tab smart: IE have it auto recognize possible relationships

We are a foundation that looks after five summer camps- some as old as 125 years, and multiple are over 100 years old. There are multiple families and extended families that have come through all of our camps. It would be great if relationships would auto-recognize other relationships. IE Joe Smith is is Bob Smith's father. Bob Smith is Casey Smith's Father. If when I put Casey into the data base and relate him to Bob, it would be awesome if it automatically set up the relationship with Joe. You could put up a window that says, "We see that Joe Smith is Bob Smith's Father, therefore we assumed for you that Joe is also Casey's Grandfather." The logic of how families work is simple to input into the system and that would help us tighten up our ability to know who is who in our vast alumni base.

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  • Feb 2 2018
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