Make Event Forms more Customizable in Online Express

I should be able to re-order fields in Event Forms the way I can in Donation Forms. I should also be able to choose for myself whether the form appears all at once, or as you add info to it. I should also be able to customize it to the needs of my organization.

For example: We are a non-profit, so our events are fundraising events. We don't want them to give money when they register, we want them to give it at the event. We also want, for example, a husband to be able to register himself and his wife without having to enter the same information twice. We need both of their names, but beyond that, it's ok to just have one email address/mailing address for both of them, and we like to know what church they attend, but they shouldn't have to type that in twice, etc. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 23 2018
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