I think our development officers would be more inclined to use Lists if the following fields were available for selection as a Column(s) in the Lists tool:
- Columns
- Constituent ID (this populates when you export to Excel, but I would like for it to show as a column when you create and run a List, too)
- Age
- E-mail (this populates when you export to Excel, but I would like for it to show as a column when you create and run a List, too)
- Phone (this populates when you export to Excel, but I would like for it to show as a column when you create and run a List, too)
- Total number of gifts
- County
- Organization
- Position
- Assigned Date (Date From)
- Giving to Other Orgs (we store this in Financial Information in the Prospect tab)
- Political Giving (we store this in Financial Information in the Prospect tab)
- DonorScape Rating (we store this under Ratings in the Prospect tab)
- College of Graduation (you can select “School Name” in Filters, but it’s not mapped correctly, and even if it was, this isn’t available as a Column)
- Current fiscal year giving
It would also be helpful to apply our own filters to the 'Summary of Gifts'. Depending on the list we only want to see event giving or annual giving. Right now, it is everything together which limits our use of lists in NXT.