Add pledge report function which shows installment schedule

There should be a pledge report which shows the installment schedule.

  • Guest
  • Mar 21 2013
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    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:58

      You may want to be more specific with your suggestion. Do mean just what it is like pledge - annual payments - 5 years? Or do you mean something that shows dates for every installment?
      You can generate a list of all installments and due dates just by running a query with those fields as output.
      The Pledge & Recurring Gifts Report > Campaign Report show the schedule as PL A5 for above example. And it shows the date for last installment.
      The Pledge & Recurring Gifts Report > Activity Report shows all the activity: payments/installments/balance.

      Have you checked Knowledgebase:
      BB496346 "What report shows pledge installment type and pledge installment schedule?"