Specify which spouse is referenced in relationship on relationship tab

Currently, when a relationship is created on the relationship tab, the primary individual on that constituent record shows as the "relation".  We need to be able to specify which individual on the constituent record is the one with the relationship.

This is useful because right now, you cannot tell which individual on a constituent record is the "relation" when you have couples sharing a record. This means you have to go into the record and look at the notes to identify which spouse is actually the relation or family member.

Ex. - Joe and Susan Black share a record, with Joe as the primary and Susan as the spouse.  When we set up an employee/employer relationship with Brad Pitt Enterprises, Joe Black shows as the "relation" from the Brad Pitt Enterprises tab. We need to be able to specify that no, it is actually Susan who has the relationship/is an employee, and have her name appear as a relation, not Joe's.

Ex. 2 - Marlin and Coral Clownfish share a record, with Marlin as the primary and Coral as the spouse. When we set up a sibling relationship with Dory Tang, Marlin Clownfish shows as the "sibling" for Dory Tang.  We need to be able to specify that no, it is actually Coral Clownfish that is the sibling of Dory Tang.

  • Guest
  • Sep 21 2017
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  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2017 23:22

    That's when you make separate records for each spouse. :)