Show "remainder" gifts in batch

It would be ideal to see the cash for remainder or stock for remainder gifts show up in the batch as you create them. As it is now, you have to commit the batch without visual evidence that the remainder gift was created. It also causes an exception between the expected amount in the batch and the running total of the batch. This is especially troublesome when entering large batches with multiple remainder gifts being created.

  • Kathy Ballew
  • Aug 10 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 29, 2018 14:17

    Yes! We have some gifts online that overpaid their pledge and the fund or appeal for the remainder needs to be different.

    For info on that use case, the pledge was to our appeal for our consolidated "annual giving campaign" that ends in May. So we want the remainder to go to a different appeal that is for our year-round effort.