Please could you update the Outlook add-in to bring it into line with modern versions of Outlook?

The on-premises Outlook add-in as it stands does not appear to have been updated to take advantage of functionality added to Outlook since version 2003. In particular:


- the add-in still routinely triggers security warnings in Outlook - but advances made in the design of the Outlook Object Model since Outlook 2007 should now mean that the add-in can now be written in such a way that it no longer triggers these warnings. Instructing the user to agree to security warnings on a routine basis (which is exactly what the manual does still do) diminishes the impact of the warnings, as it encourages a culture where users end up clicking "yes" instinctively on security warnings without reading them because the warnings are so common.


- the add-in doesn't create its own ribbon and instead still relies on the compatibility behaviour in Outlook where an "Add-Ins" ribbon tab will be created for legacy add-ins written prior to the introduction of ribbons. This legacy arrangement does not work correctly in some circumstances (one of which is affecting us right now) and can leave the customer unable to use the add-in.


Things like this give the impression that the add-in isn't a going concern for Blackbaud; it looks dated and suffers from problems which should have been possible to solve over 10 years ago.


  • Computer Department
  • Jul 27 2017
  • Attach files