I would like to make a suggestion. Can you all put on the "gifts" page another column? Right now you have Constituent, Date, Amount, Appeal, and Reference. It would be awesome if you could add "Last Action Date". I have to follow up on 20-30 gifts each week. I don't always connect with them on the first try, and so, I have to try again. Because there is not a "last action date" column, on the page, I don't know who I've connected with and who I have to try again. This means that I have to go through each constituent multiple times which wastes a good bit of time. What do you think?
Um - no. Actions are not gifts or even related to gift sin the database. Actions on the actions tab and gifts on the gifts tab.
If you need a query, export or report that shows you gave and their last action date you can already do this. Not something I would vote for since it is so specific to you and can already be done through other ways.