Base Proposal Days open on Date Added instead of Date Asked

I recently ran the Proposal Analysis Report and noticed that several of the proposals showed zero as the number of Days Open.
When I contacted BB chat, the answer that was given is that the Days Open is based on the Date Asked.

Can Days Open be based on Date Added instead?

 Our Proposal Cycle is:

  • Identification
  • Qualification - Research  team
  • Discovery - Fundraiser
  • Cultivation
  • Solicitation
  • Closure (used to let us know that we may need to link a gift)
  • Stewardship

For us, a proposal can be added sooner, but must be added when the donor is in cultivation.  This allows us to tie all the actions done toward the Ask to the Proposal when the action is entered..

Can this be changed?
Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Mar 29 2017
  • Attach files