Adding additional constituents to an Action Item (for example if they were present at the meeting or if they too received a mailing.)

When you send a smaller mailing (such as to 20-30 people), you don't always have a query complete with ID numbers. So you currently have to go into each record to add action items to each, which is very time consuming. If there was a way to go into one account, fill out all the Action details and then click something indicating "other constituents involved" you could then search by constituent name, adding multiple people to the Action. Once saved, the Action would then appear on the Action screens of all added constituents. It would save much time and effort. (As an aside, this feature is available in Datatel/Colleague, so in order to keep up with the competition you may want to add this!)

  • Guest
  • Mar 20 2017
  • Attach files