Apply pledge and keep remaining amouint in same batch

Attempting to enter a batch of $6,200, $100 of it needs to be applied to a pledge but I DO NOT want it broken into two batches for the remaining balance. There should be a way to apply the pledge and keep the remaining $6,100 in the same batch. This confuses the finance department in my organization being they do not use Raisers Edge. This current process has them under the impression there are two different payments when in fact it is only one.

  • Guest
  • Mar 6 2017
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    • Guest commented
      March 09, 2017 19:16

      So the pledge that you need to apply the $100 is in the batch?  You can apply it. Look for how in knowledgebase.  If pledge is already on record you can apply any payment at any time in any batch unless your org procedures require separate batches for pledge from payments.