In Query, under the Appeal ID field criteria, please add 'begins with' and 'contains' operators to allow me to make more specific selections

Because Appeal IDs can contain letters along with numbers, we need operators in query that allow us to search based on text, too, and more than just a numbering system.

Our appeal code structure defines multiple components of the solicition such as the general audience, the year, the number in a series of specific solicitation. Our Appeal IDs provide more information than 'Appeal Category'.

So, I may want to run a search for any gift that arrived this year with one of last year's codes. I'd like to be able to say 'Appeal ID contains 12'. Or I may want everyone who ever gave to a special appeal from us which I would write as' Appeal ID begins with S'. Or I want to identify those people who have not given and who do not have any renewal solicitations in their record as 'Appeal ID does not begin with R.'


  • Guest
  • Oct 7 2013
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:54

    Can this be extended to appeal description too & to allow the full range of operators - like, begins with etc & use of wildcards. In additions the facility to do the same for a conditional mailing in donor acknowledgement letters would also be very useful. Pretty surprised to find the functionality was not already there in query, especially against the appeal description as this is basically a text field.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:54

    Can this also be something that can be used in Campaigns and Funds as well as Appeals? I bumped into this today when trying to narrow down a group of records by location and having some funds contain the new location codes and other not since they existed before this new naming system.