Pull a list of total years of giving.

In NXT, in a constituent record, under "Giving," there is a summary line that says, "_ years giving with _ years consecutive." It would be great to be able to pull a query/report on total years giving, like we are able to pull a query/report on consecutive years giving. NXT is already tracking that information, so we should be able to easily pull a list. Thanks!

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Attach files
  • Suzanne Hopkins commented
    June 13, 2022 20:41

    It's also helpful to be able to export this information and be able to use it in appeal letters to donors. Ex: We appreciate your support over the past # of years.

  • Guest commented
    February 28, 2017 19:09

    Struggling with this constantly and the MGO don't get that if they can see it in NXT, why we cant see it in RE.