"Gift Security by Fund" -- Split Gift options on constituent Gift Tabs

I've selected the "Gift Security by Fund" in one of our user group security features so the user(s) in that group can only view the gifts for their team. This works great on reports, queries, etc. However, we noticed today that when we were viewing a constituent record, if the gift was part of a split gift, their portion of the split did NOT show up on the gift tab of the constituents. 

The gift tab is completely blank, unless the gift is NOT a split gift and is one of the funds allowed by the "Gift Security by Fund" checkboxes. If the gift is a split gift and all the funds within the split are unchecked as "viewable" in the "Gift Security by Fund", then the whole gift shows, with the split details. To clarify, we have pretty much all of the funds checked as "cannot view" and only the 6 funds that apply to this user's team as "unchecked"/viewable. When a split gift contains one or more funds that are checked as "cannot view," it renders the entire split gift as unviewable, even if the split gift contains one or more funds that are "unchecked" as viewable.

It's for our team leaders, so we don't want them being able to see what the other teams' support levels are, per se. We're starting this with one of our team leaders, and if it works well, we'll make it standard practice that they all receive training before heading out. But since it could be used for lots of different funds (not just these 6) down the road, I don't want our accounting/gift entry folks to have to try to remember which funds to split and which not to split. And I don't want to have them type in 4-5 different gifts for one check when it's split (e.g., we have donors that support various funds/teams but only send one check per month).

Since the team leader can see the split portion that is for their viewable fund(s) in the query results and reports, I'm hoping this is possible in the Gift Tab of the constituent records without too much work.

Can BB fix this in their next RE7 patch? Thanks!

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  • Nov 17 2016
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