
I really like how I can attach an organization and a consitiuent in relationships and you can see all of the relationships for within that  org... I was hoping there was something similar to that in membership. Can I define a relationship to match it to the Membership (The actual memberships program is always a Constituent so it would be great if you could make the membership program a constituent and link to Relationships) I'm asking because we are looking into using the membership tab instead of the relationship tab, but some of my users are not so good with RE, so I was looking for something like the relationship list under a Org Constituent..

  • Stephanie Baracskay
  • Oct 28 2016
  • Attach files
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    • Lynn Anonymous commented
      March 21, 2023 13:49

      I would really like to resurrect the idea of having relationships that can link to memberships. We have been using workarounds for this for over ten years. We did suggest this when RE NXT was first being developed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider this to help us make our reporting and data entry more efficient and accurate. Right now we use membership attributes and soft credits for thousands of gifts every year. It would be amazing if we could get this back on the table for consideration. Thanks!