Give option to predefined the fields which would always appear in batches created automatically in Raisers Edge.

We have reoccurring batches set up as needed with specific fields.  When we run certain processes, such as downloads from Online Express, the batch is automatically created by RE.  I would like the option to have these automatically generated batches created according to our specific needs with fields we require.  We realize they can be edited each time but that is time consuming and can be easily forgotten during entry.  Since the credibility of our reconciliation with our accounting department is based on the accuracy of our data entry, having more input in the choice of fields used in a default batch would make a great deal of sense and save time and frustration for staff.

  • Guest
  • Sep 16 2016
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  • Guest commented
    April 22, 2021 20:55

    Agreed. Whenever I process OnlineExpress gifts, I always want the same batch fields, but every time I enter OnlineExpress, I have to tell it to use the same default batch. I should be able to set those defaults permanently.