Because Dashboards can only be shared among User Groups and not particular RE users, RE Users with Supervisory Rights can not share Dashboards. This is crazy!! They should be able to be shared with any or all people who use RE.
I've actually taken to creating a separate User Group for the Director of Development so she can see the Dashboards I create for her. But when she logs in as her regular self with supervisory rights she can't view it. She has to remember to log out and re-sign in as an alternate self within the user group (of which she's the only member!).
Understood. Completely changing the way dashboard sharing in general works would be a significant, high risk change and not likely something we'd be willing to subject our users to in Raiser's Edge 7/database view. I am happy to forward your use case to the Raiser's Edge NXT development team that is working on Dashboard building and sharing in web view to make sure they understand the desire to share Dashboards at the user level (not just groups).
In the meantime, I would highly recommend considering using the information above to help get to the end result you are looking for. If you don't want to share the dashboard with limited rights users but do want your Supervisor rights users to see it, I might suggest creating an empty security group named "Supervisor users" or something like that. Sharing the dashboard with that "group" will trigger it to be available for your Supervisor rights users automatically.
In organizations where data integrity is highly valued, Supervisor rights are RARELY granted to more than a couple of highly trained, well-versed users. These do NOT include the gift officers and senior development staff who are typically interested in the kinds of at-a-glance reports available in the Dashboard. This is NOT a solved issue. It still should be addressed so Dashboards can be shared with USERS as opposed to security groups.
Just a quick note since this isn't super obvious:
Any dashboard that is shared with a one or more security groups is available for selection and viewing by users with Supervisor rights.
Marking this idea as existing functionality.
Jarod Bonino
Senior Product Manager, Raiser's Edge
While I see the value in the idea, I strongly recommend against ANY user logging in with full Supervisor rights on a daily basis. I'd strongly recommend that you log in daily as a member of a lower level group (even if that group has full rights to everything) and then, on those rare occasions that more rights are needed, log in with Supervisor rights.