Gmail & Google calendar integration

As with the super-obsolete Outlook, it would be great if RE had a similar integration with Gmail and Google Calendar, which most offices are using now. The integration should at the very least include: 1) ability to kick a Gmail email into RE as an action, and 2) set up Actions in RE to kick over as reminders on Calendars and/or email designated staff when a deadline is approaching. There is KIND of this function to add to calendar but in NXT only, which is bizarre since by Blackbauds own admission the NXT is designed for in-the-field fudnraisers and it's usually the back-end grant/data managers that would need this!

  • Kim Kosa
  • Aug 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • Kim Kosa commented
    August 09, 2016 16:31

    I want to add to this that ideally, Actions in RE could kick to both the RE user's calendar AND any colleagues' calendars they want. Our org has a lot of field/program staff contributing to grant reports and proposals, and Google Calendar reminders should go to them as well as the development/grants staff!