I would like to see some kind of indication on a Batch list when a gift is a Memorial or Honor or a Soft Credit.

A "flag" or some kind of symbol letting you know that a gift is a Tribute or Soft Credit will separate that gift from the other ones and ensure it was entered correctly.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2016
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  • Guest commented
    April 21, 2017 14:58

    1.  We would like this as when we are assigning the letters in the batch,  the letter the donor receives is dependent on wheither it is an Honor or Memorial Gift and it you can not see the flag, or the name, without hitting the button on the top,  it is inefficient....   

    2. We could customize the WORD merge with conditional Statements but that is super difficult for the average user,  and I thought the idea of a Mail Donor Acknowledgement Multi condition merge was to avaid this process.  So being able to assign the letters in the batch is super helpful... 

    3. Why can't we have the honor memorial Name on the Batch    like you it on MAIL/Donor Acknowledgement Letters/ Tab Fields to Include...