Create a Customizable Field Box for "General Contributions" for Event Forms

Currently the way Event Forms work is that you have all the items for your event listed with an already agreed upon number when the event was created in Raiser's Edge. If a site visitor were to visit your event page, learn more information about the event and want to contribute toward the effort while NOT being physically able to attend, there is not an option for this person to easily give. Currently these visitors are being ushered to a general donation page where they can leave a gift that gets lost with all other online gifts. When in fact the individual wanted the funds to count toward a particular event. 

The General Contribution box could be a simple line such as: Cannot attend the event? Leave a gift _________ the field box is blank and editable to whatever amount the individual wants to give. $50, $75, $110, $99, whatever the amount. 

Having the field box would be more inclusive toward event site visitors vs. having them abandon the event page toward a cold non event branded giving page. 

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  • Jun 22 2016
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