Other mass-email programs we have used allow you to export a copy of the email addresses that have unsusbscribed from your email list (useful if you're trying to cross reference unsubscribes with another list).
It would be really useful to be able to export our blacklists, apart from anything it would mean we could alter solicit codes/attributes as this is where we hold that information in general.
(if OnEx already lists this I'd hope it wouldn't be too hard to generate a CSV)
I just had Blackbaud export a Bounce list for me that shows soft bounce, hard bounce, and opt outs. But they said I don't have access to run this report. It would be great if online express reports were available to the client user! AND if the "Date" under Unusable Emails was the Date Added instead of the Date Changed, that would also be super helpful, as we manually add notes to each record who opts out and don't want to have to check each constituent every time something changes on that record...we only want to know when they originally opted out and be assured they're not still receiving emails.