Add Appeal ID as a field option for global changes (specifically in Assigned Solicitor Relationships)

My organization adds assigned solicitors for specific appeals (i.e. phonathon callers).  I can globally add these relationships to specific queries of records, noting the type (specific phonathon), the date of the solicitor relationship, and the campaign, fund, and appeal ID's that the relationship is associated with.

I recently added a batch, and absent-mindedly forgot to note the appeal ID, which is important because that is what flags a gift during batching, making sure I give the solicitor credit. 

I figured that it would be easy to globally change the records of this specific query to include the Appeal ID, but find that "Appeal ID" is the one field missing from the global change - constituent - assigned solicitor group.  

Not sure the programming reason behind leaving it out, but it is inconvenient, because now I have to manually change the records that I mistakenly didn't add the Appeal ID to.  

I imagine that others might need to update Appeal IDs for solicitors for specific batches of constituents, so it would be helpful to add this field.

  • Guest
  • Jun 8 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 09, 2016 18:03

    I agree and posted years ago here that need same solicitor functions for appeals as for funds.  You can't even import appeal solicitor assignments.  We ended up having to quit using appeals if we needed solicitors.