Colour Coding Different Record Types

Lots of records (Constituent, Gift, Action etc) look similar, and it's very easy to get confused between constituent attributes, gift attributes, action attributes and so on, both while navigating in records, and while looking for fields in query and export. A simple colour coding scheme (e.g. Blue for constituents, green for gifts, yellow for actions) of the window border or background would improve navigation, and make the software much more accessible for beginners. I spend a lot of time trawling through the query field options, reading all the tiny labels, if I could just scan down to the green text, it would be a lot easier. RE is a very clever tool, but the grey makes it look dated, complicated and uninviting. 

  • Gemma Windle
  • Apr 15 2016
  • Attach files
  • Gemma Windle commented
    April 22, 2016 14:00

    Thanks Nicole, but that's not exactly what I mean.  I mean to make all actions one colour, all gifts another- and not just the text, the entire look of the window. 

  • Guest commented
    April 15, 2016 18:11
    Already an option for many record, although I think it could be used in other area as well...
    2. Select the Colors tab and highlight Legends 3. Click View Legend 4. Highlight a particular entry type on the left and make the appropriate selections. ... The Color Picker screen appears.