Total Fiscal Years of Giving - not consecutive but total.

We would like to be able to obtain the total number of years a donor has given for a query of constituents.  We need to eliminate gifts for events based on fund but would like to be able to export (or get out of a report) the total number of years a constituent has given a gift.  We import this number into an external mail merge.  Sometimes a long time donor skips a year for an unfortunate reason or their gifts don't mesh with our fiscal year exactly so consecutive years may be small. Plus I'd hope that the total years would not count the years based on the gift constituency code but the date and type of gift and fund.  

Is this currently available? If so, I cannot nor could the support staff figure out a way to get this number.  We ended up running a gift summary within each constituent's record to see the summary that is there and then I'm not sure if it took into account the soft credited gifts.

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  • Apr 13 2016
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