Auto-Populate Category Field on Import of Timesheet in Volunteer Module

My specific issue involves the volunteer module. I setup Jobs with the Category field populated.  When manually entering a new Timesheet I enter the Job, Date, and Hours with the Category field automatically populating due to the linkage of the Job and Category in the Jobs table.  Documentation for this behavior is in the “Volunteers & Jobs Data Entry Guide.”

I tested an import of a Timesheet with a specific constituent. The information in the import file included the Constituent ID, Job, Date, and Hours.  In the import documentation (Knowledgebase 39563) for this type of record it appears that if you want the Category field as part of the record in the import you must also include this field in the import file.  This is a different process/behavior than noted above, where when manually entering the Job the Category automatically populates due to the linkage.

There is no mechanism at this time, through research with Case Central, to auto-populate the Category Field when importing the Timesheet, which includes the job. Therefore, I am making this request.

It would be useful given that we are a VolunteerHub user and we are using the VolunteerHub Synchronizer plugin in Raiser’s Edge to interface our data. This would allow us to record our data without manually adding the Category field.  This suggestion would benefit anyone importing data or VolunteerHub users who synchronize their data.

The way that I envision this working is that given Job records have a Category field populated, by definition there is a linkage. As previously noted, the Category field automatically populates when manually entering a record due to the linkage of the Job and Category in the Jobs table.  The “Volunteers & Jobs Data Entry Guide” supports this process.  Therefore, it would be using this same process, except it would apply to the import.

  • Guest
  • Apr 13 2016
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    • Guest commented
      November 10, 2016 16:04

      Agree and would also like to see Volunteer Type auto-populate.