Add gift solicitor based on appeal solicitor

If a person is listed as solicitor for an appeal that person should then be added as the gift solicitor for any gifts that have that appeal.

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2016
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    • Guest commented
      March 25, 2016 19:13

      I think that works when the solicitor already exists as a relationship, but I think he may be correct in that if the solicitor is not already attached to the donor then it doesn't pre-populate.

      Although there have been times I wanted to do this, perhaps an appeal linked to just one solicitor who was making personal asks, but there are many times when I don't think I would. Some of my appeals may have 20 solicitors assigned to them, I wouldn't want all of them assigned to any gift with that appeal.

    • Guest commented
      March 23, 2016 21:12

      Are you entering gifts via batch?  If so, have appeal field listed before solicitor and when you select the appeal if there is a solicitor linked to the appeal, their name will auto populate in solicitor field.  That's been my experience.