Remote Log Off Tool for Commuters between Multiple Buildings

As a staffer who regularly has to work between two different buildings, there have been occasions where I've been in the location opposite of where I'm logged in to Raiser's Edge and can't get access because of an existing session in the other location. (Sometimes an unforseen need to have access, other times a complete failure of attention span in logging off.)

If would be fantastic to have a way to override an existing session to remotely log off without having to travel back to the alternate location.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:47

      Have you spoken with your IT Dept about this? It would seem that is where the issue lies, not with RE per se. I know that I've found myself in this situation and all I need to do is open my Citrix icon and manually log myself out of the server to solve the problem.