Option to not schedule pledge

Currently I'm at a united arts fund that does a lot of workplace campaigns. We currently book the payroll deduction total amount for the year under the constituent as a pledge. I would like to not have to schedule a pledge payment date because the payments come from their employer, not the employee. I have to weed out these gifts when invoicing.

We have no way of knowing the amount paid of each constituent's pledge when the checks come in from the employer, but we book the pledge as revenue and "don't count" the checks from employers when they come in. Sorry for my amateur discription.

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  • Aug 1 2014
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:35

      Dear Anonymous (should have known it was you),
      Can't support your suggestion.
      So set a default schedule of single gift at end of year, uncheck the 'send reminders' box and save yourself some work.
      Don't even want to start a discussion here about your accounting practice and how you handle non-payment due to employee turnover.