make receipt fields more flexible

I use the Receipt field on gift records to indicate whether that gift has been reconciled with our Finance dept (instead of using Gift Post, because of the difficulties in unposting gifts, should that become necessary). Would love to change the text on the options in that field, and would really love to add/remove options.

Same thing on the constituent level with Receipt Type (on Bio/Org 2). I want to use this field to do our end-of-year tax receipts, which we send for donors giving $100+ cumulative in the CY. Again, would like to have the ability to change the text, the number of options, and which one is defaulted in a new record.

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  • Jan 24 2013
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:35

    Unposting is by design not easily done. We could end up with a big mess. If you're looking for more options for your own info, maybe you should look at other fields like gift code or attributes.
    On receipt type, what do you mean by change the text etc. This isn't text that prints in receipts. I find this function very useful for running end of year receipts. As to defaulting, when I enter constituent batch of staff who will be on payroll I include the receipt type field in batch and default it to consolidated. I've also use the global change feature to change a group of records. Don't see a need for more than is currently offered. Can you clarify, Jennifer?

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:35

    I would like the text to say "No Year-End Tax Receipt" or "Send Year-End Tax Receipt" on the Bio/Org 2 tab, as we always send an acknowledgement letter for each individual gift, and then at year-end, we send a letter to everyone giving a cumulative $100+ that totals their giving for the year (as a convenience). I'm setting up my system to use "Consolidated" for "No Receipt" and "One Per Gift" for "Send Receipt" but it would be nice if I could change the text in RE instead of relying on documentation stored elsewhere. (I've had very negative experiences with leaving documentation for others and them not even looking at it.)

    On the gift records, I would love to use the Post field as it is intended, but I'm doing a lot of data scrubbing (30 years worth) and posting makes that very difficult. If there were a security setting that would allow a specific username to edit gift records that are posted, so that you must confirm that you know what you're doing, that would make the field useable for me. But as it is, everyone is locked out of editing gift info except those of us (mostly me) who do the entry, and we just don't post any gifts so that when someone changes their mind about how something is to be coded, I don't have to wait until everyone signs out, run the unpost gift utility, make the change, and then post again.

    The receipt field on the gift record is what I use to indicate whether that gift has been reconciled with finance at month-end. I compare records between the systems, address any discrepancies, and then mark them "receipted" which to me means "reconciled" and this keeps the bottom lines in line between the departments.

    I end up doing a lot in RE that is not as it was intended, because of a need to customize practices for the staff at my organization. So in general, the more flexibility available, the easier my job. And I try to avoid attributes if possible...too many on one record becomes cumbersome...and I have 30 years of data scrubbing on that, too!

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:35

    I do not think that a suggestion should be made to change the receipt field because you use if for something other than what it is meant to be used for. If you need another field you are supposed to use attributes.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:35

    If you are sending an end of year giving summary AFTER having already receipted the gifts immediately after giving then you should be recording this preference somewhere else than the receipt type field. These end of year summaries are not receipts because you should not receipt the same gift twice.

    This kind of coding of "Send year end tax receipt" I would never do. You are bound to be constantly querying and updating that field like a banchee. I would SOLELY record requests NOT to get these and store it the same place you store all other limitations on how a donor wants to be communicated with. I store mine in attributes - you may store yours in solicit codes. If they do not have the code and they meet the query definition you create each January - they get the summary, easy peasy.