Query of Events - should be similar look up as Gift fields (fund, appeal). We have to search and choose events one
Currently, to query a list of events, you have to search for the event one at a time unlike the other records like funds, appeals,etc where you can move a number of them from the left side of the lookup screen to the righ (chosen fields).
Yes! Even just the ability to use wildcards or "contains" or "Begins with", or to be able to paste into a "one of" table like you can do when querying most other fields would be a big help. I don't really get why this isn't the case already anyway?
Yes! Consistency! Query > One Of should work the same way when searching any table-based entry.
YES... agree with John's comment (posted 3/13/13).
Yes! Even just the ability to use wildcards or "contains" or "Begins with", or to be able to paste into a "one of" table like you can do when querying most other fields would be a big help. I don't really get why this isn't the case already anyway?