We are currently trying to tidy up our Campaign records on RE (many have been created over the years by

We are currently tidying up our Campaign records on RE (many have been created over the years by anyone who had an inclination - and the access). My ideal would be to delete obsolete Campaign records, which I have been able to do for some records after changing the relevant Campaign field. I have found though that there are some records that have archived gifts attached to them, and even though these gifts don't "exist" in RE I am unable to delete the Campaign. As the archive gift is created when a tax adjustment is done, is there a way of either allowing access to change the Campaign field on the archive, de-coulle it from the Campaign record or be able to make changes to Campaign, Appeal and Fund on a gift without having to do a tax adjustment; these factors are rarely (if ever) relevant to a claim.

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2014
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